/ supportcoordinator

Is Support Coordination The Next Step In Your Career?

What is a support coordinator?

  • A support coordinator works with individuals, to formalise a support plan and help them to engage different supports. The aim of a support coordinator is to build capacity in different individuals such as those living with a disability or mental health issues.

  • Support coordinators work to identify the needs of their clients, personalise their support and ensure they are receiving appropriate services.

  • Support coordinators foster and promote independent decision making, choice and control.

  • Support coordinators coordinate and liaise with service providers, review goals and determine new ones with their clients.

  • Support coordinators ensure service agreements and service bookings are completed. They help build your ability to exercise choice and control, to coordinate supports and access the local community.

How to become a support coordinator?

  • Most support coordinators have formal qualifications or a background in the health field (such as occupational therapy, social work, physiotherapy, speech therapy).

  • Undertake study in an allied health profession - this may be bachelor-level degree or a Certificate-level course in disability support, developmental education, welfare work or Aboriginal health.

Training workshops are available, such as NDIS Support Coordination Training Workshop from AbilitySeer.