The NDIS & Sexual Health

The team at Careseekers were fortunate to chat to Meredith from Cohealth's Diversexy program, a disability focused sexual health workshop that empowers people with disability to enjoy sex rather than focus solely on abuse prevention.

Meredith was extremely informative and our team learned a lot about the program that has been designed, developed and led by the disability community.

A landmark Federal Court ruling in May 2020 has meant that NDIS plans can be used to pay for sex aids and sex workers, acknowledging the important link between mental, physical, sexual and emotional health and our rights to good health in all areas.

This means that sexual health wants and needs can be included as goals within the funding categories of:

  • improved relationships
  • improved daily living skills
  • increased social and community participation
  • assistance with daily life at home and in the community (Daily Activities Core)
  • innovative community participation

If you would like to include sexual health in your goals, you will need to address this clearly in your NDIS plan in the appropriate funding categories and you can do this with support from your planner.

Some questions to think about are:
What goals do you currently have for your sexual health (if any) in your NDIS plan?
What goals do you think you would like to include in your NDIS Plan in the future? Why?
What services or service provider do you/would you need to achieve these goals?

*At Careseekers, our team is supportive of all NDIS participants achieving their goals and our team is here to assist in accessing services. *

How can you approach this with our team?
You can either chat to a member of our team on 1300 765 465 or email them at info@careseekers.com.au.
A great way to approach this is to simply state that you are wishing to find a care or support worker to assist you in accessing sexual health services. Our team members are trained professionals and can help you.

Diversexy Flyer download click here

Diversexy LGNTIQA+ Identities fact sheet download click here

Diversexy Setting Boundaries & Consent fact sheet download click here

Diversexy Healthy Relationships fact sheet download click here

Diversexy Relationships & Accessibility fact sheet download click here

For more information about the Diversexy program, please click here.

To become a care or support worker, please visit www.careseekers.com.au/carer

To find aged care services, please visit www.careseekers.com.au/services/aged-care-workers

To find disability support services, please visit www.careseekers.com.au/services/disability-support-workers

Sources: SexAbility, Diversexy