careseekers Compliance Made Easy for All Users of Careseekers Our new compliance section simplifies the process, ensuring workers, clients, support coordinators and providers have the necessary information at their fingertips.
disabilitysupport Your Right To Make Choices: Understanding The Duty Of Care & Dignity Of Risk At Careseekers, we believe in empowering individuals to make informed choices about their life, while also ensuring that their safety and well-being are always protected.
careworkers Brain Injury Awareness Week 2024 - What's Your Connection? Brain Injury Awareness Week (BIAW) is an important annual event that is taking takes place this year from August 19-25, 2024.
Aged Care National Stroke Week 2024: Awareness, Prevention & Support National Stroke Week is a significant event that raises awareness about stroke, promotes preventive measures, and highlights the importance of early intervention.
supportworker Intersectionality and Mental Health In Aged Care & Disability Support Intersectionality refers to how different aspects of a person's identity (such as disability, age, sexuality and race) intersect to create unique experiences of discrimination or disadvantage.
careworkers Waste Management: A Guide for Independent Support Workers on Careseekers Platform Ensuring safety and maintaining a clean environment is vital in care and support work. This is a guide you to take you through the essentials of managing waste, infectious, and hazardous materials effectively while delivering care and support services.
careworkers Driving in Australia with an International Driver's License If you're planning to drive in Australia with an international driver's license, it's essential to know the rules, which vary by state and territory.
Ageing Supporting Healthy Ageing Supporting an elderly individual, be it a client or a family member, is both a privilege and a responsibility. As they journey into their later years, ensuring their well-being becomes paramount.
careseekers What Is Developmental Delay? Developmental delay refers to a condition in which a child does not reach developmental milestones typically expected for their age group.
disabilitysupport My Client Has A Spinal Cord Injury - What Kind Of Support Services Will I Be Providing? When providing support services to a client living with spinal cord injury, it is crucial to adopt a person-centred approach that prioritises the individual's goals and preferences.