Safe Administration Of Medication

Administering medication can be a critical aspect of providing disability support and aged care services. At Careseekers, we are committed to ensuring that all medications are handled safely and correctly. Here’s an overview of our Medication Administration Policy, which outlines the procedures and guidelines for administering medications to participants.

Who Can Administer Medications?

Only appropriately trained workers are permitted to administer medications to individuals. Training must be conducted by a qualified individual who has thorough knowledge of the medication, its administration, and potential side effects. Additionally, workers must be trained in handling incidents related to medication administration to ensure immediate and proper action is taken if needed.

Safe Storage of Medications

Proper storage of medications is essential for safety and efficacy.

All medications must be stored:

  • Safely and securely to prevent unauthorised access.
  • In a manner that allows them to be easily identified and differentiated to avoid any confusion.

Administering Medication

Before any medication can be administered, the following documentation is required:

Administration of Medication Form: This form must be signed by the person receiving the medication or their parent/guardian.

It should detail:

  • The medications to be administered.
  • The dosage.
  • The method and schedule of administration.
  • The name of the person authorised to administer the medication.
  • For individuals under 18 years of age, written permission from a parent or guardian is mandatory.

Indemnity Form: This form must be signed by both the worker administering the medication and the person receiving it or their parent/guardian.


Accurate record-keeping is vital for the safe administration of medications. Every time medication is administered, the following information must be recorded in the medication register:

  • The name of the medication administered.
  • The dosage given.
  • The name of the worker who administered the medication.
  • The date and time of administration.
  • This process ensures transparency and accountability, helping to maintain the highest standards of care.

By following these strict guidelines and maintaining comprehensive records, you can provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals using your aged care and disability support services. If you have any questions or need further information about our policies and services, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team by email: or phone 1300 765 465.

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To find aged care services, please visit

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