Cold Weather Safety Tips - Staying Warm During Winter

As we age, our bodies become less able to regulate internal body temperature and a decrease in our senses can make it hard to sense fluctuations in temperature. Older adults can lose body heat faster than they did when they were younger leaving them at risk for hypothermia. With the onset of colder weather, we have prepared some tips for staying warm this winter.

  1. Make sure your home is warm.

    Your home's main living area needs to be at least 21 degrees celsius, with the rest of the home heated to at least 18 degrees celsius. Close all curtains and windows in the home at night. Make sure your bed is warmly made with extra blankets within easy reach in case you wake up feeling cold.

  2. Enjoy a healthy, nutritious diet and have regular hot drinks.

    Eating a balanced, healthy diet will ensure you receive plenty of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fat to help you recover from minor illnesses quickly. Have regular hot drinks of tea, coffee or hot chocolate to stay warm.

  3. Make sure you keep in regular contact with friends, relatives and neighbours.

    Keeping in contact with loved ones will help people to check to see how you are doing and if you are warm and healthy. It will also help with any feelings of social isolation or loneliness.

  4. Have regular medical checks and get your COVID & flu jabs when eligible.

  5. Seek assistance from government agencies if you need help with heating, food and clothing if needed.

  6. Let your care worker know about any issues you are having over the winter period.

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