Inspiring stories from our carers

The theme of the NSW Seniors Festival is Grow Young and we asked the carers on our platform to write in and tell us how they have been inspired by the people they have cared for. We were blown away by the entries and as always it reinforced what a rewarding career being a carer can be.

The winning entry was from Toni Petts

“I worked for an elderly lady aged 96 who was suffering with the late stages of dementia. The lady was the most funny, humoured, intellectual lady that had certainly lived her life to the full.

She said a quote to me once or twice actually nearly every shift I worked " we all enter this world as our own person and we will die the person that we made ourselves become, we do not need anyone to make us do the things they want - it is important to live the life we want ". That quote has been stuck my head ever since she passed away 4 years ago. Although she had severe dementia she never forgot what made her happy This lady I will never forget she has expired me to only involve myself with people that allow me to do what I enjoy and I will allow them to do what they enjoy . Most importantly she has told me so many amazing stories that has inspired me to travel the world. I will forever thank her.”

Find out more about Toni by viewing her profile.

The runners up entry was sent in by Shana who told us how she was inspired by her grandmother.

"With dementia being as prevalent as it is in older people. My grandma was determined to keep her mind on it's toes as a defense. Each morning she would wake up and make herself some Weetbix and a coffee then sit down in front of her scrabble board. Next to the scrabble board was a notepad covered in columns numbers (written in tiny print with no gaps so as not to waste paper). This was her scorepad, everyday she would play one strategic game of one player scrabble and try to beat her own all time high score. However, she would never play against anyone else in fear of losing and partly because half the words she used were questionable and she knew we'd never allow them! She passed away at the age of 88 with not a hint of dementia."

Find out more about Shana by viewing her profile.

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